wrap Meeting


Treasurer's Report

We have $2,253.03 in the bank.

Membership Report

No changes this month. 
"We're doin' good."


November fly-out is Reading, POC is Marcia.
We're visiting the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum.
Plan to be there on tour at 1000.
1920s and 1930s airplanes.
Also WWII, planes 40s to 80s.
$6 admission, $3 6-12, under 6 free.
Park in front of museum.
5-6 planes plan on going.
Great food at Malibooz.


Allison and Dennis Diaz,
NTSB Accident Investigators.

IFR Club

Met in October
Gathered topics
0900 coffee and pastries
Meets Saturday following members' meeting.


Renominated Drake for 3 more years
Nominated Ken Johnson to board

Happy News

David Braxton passed his checkride yesterday.

New Faces

Stuart Kilborn, light sport, KSEG

Proper Parts

Eric Cipcic attended an IA seminar
at Penn College.
Be sure to replace life-limited parts.
Attitude indicator battery backup
GPS battery backup
Strobe tip lights

New FBO!

We have a new FBO:
Energy Aviation


We adjourned at 2000.
See you at the Annual Dinner 03 DEC 2012.

(Just before the end of the world.  Eat all you want.)